The two Diamonds which flank the centre stone are cut in the 'Perruzzi' style, circa 1700, and the end stones again are table-cuts. These stones would have been recycled at the time this ring was made and so have lived at least three centuries since they were cut! They don't necessarily have the fizzy brilliance of the newer cuts of Diamonds, but what they do have is an immense historical interest and curiosity attached to them, and their own enormously distinctive beauty.
When trying to age this ring, the fact that the stones are open to the back of the Diamonds rather than closed, would indicate that this is a Victorian rather than a Georgian piece as open backed settings to stones weren't widely used in the 18th century, and this is supported by the fact that 18ct gold didn't became a standard until 1798. In the style of a classic Victorian five-stone ring; upon examination this charming ring has an unusual square-ish flat topped profile and in addition, a carved silver setting to the Diamonds which would point more to it being a rare earlier Victorian piece.
In every aspect there's so much to cherish, she's truly a piece to set your heart a-flutter. She's very dear to us and the lucky, lucky lady who get's to wear her and bring her back to life again is one to envy!